

In case you missed it, we now live in a mobile-dominant world. This year, Google reported that 52% of search traffic and almost half of shopping traffic comes from mobile devices, so a compatible web design is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. In April of 2015, “Mobilegeddon” transformed the marketing world as we know it, putting responsive and mobile websites at the forefront of a marketer’s mind.

[ad_1] “Don’t count the people you reach; reach the people that count.” – David Ogilvy If you’ve watched Mad Men, you’re more than familiar with names like Lucky Strike and Samsonite. The real-world accounts serviced by the svelte account executives of Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce were...



When I first started editing pieces for HubSpot's Marketing blog, I was really, really scared. 

I had spent the previous months as a full-time writer, soaking up as much feedback as I could to write the best pieces possible. Then, the tables were turned. Suddenly, I had to be the expert on what we should be publishing, how to fix incoming pieces, and how to give feedback to people who had decades more experience than I in marketing. 

[ad_1] What do you think about these true stories? After 6 months of hard work one of my clients took a deep breath and click! They published a new and improved version of their homepage. Big accomplishment? A startup buddy of mine loves to redesign...

[ad_1] It’s typical for social media platforms to go through some changes and updates every year. Facebook alone has seen some major features and updates to their system this year (ads and otherwise). Instagram has also made some big changes, particular considering the new Instagram...

[ad_1] Internet Tax Freedom Act to become permanent Imagine if you were taxed on the volume of emails that you received and sent, or by the traffic to your business website? Thankfully Congress put a law in place back in 1998 that has kept that from...