See First: Facebook Gives Users Control, Make It Easier to Avoid You


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For years now, marketers have screamed about their decreasing visibility in the Facebook News Feed. “It’s not fair!” they said. “Users want to see our content!” they claimed. “Give them more control!”

I’ve always considered this a bit of a bluff. While Facebook’s News Feed algorithm does favor friend content over brands, it’s not necessarily unfair. It’s consistent with what users actually want to see.

Now that Facebook is quietly giving this control, it will be interesting what happens next: Will people actually tell Facebook they want to see brand content?

See First

A couple of weeks ago, Facebook launched the “See First” feature. It was a somewhat surprising move, a concession that they don’t always know what users want to see most.

Facebook is giving users the ability to select the friends and pages they want to see first, at the top of their News Feed.