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Click Through Ratios

Click Through Ratios

are one metric that tell a big story.


CTRs, or Click Through Ratios, are a vital statistic that gauge your Advertising performance on Search Engines & Social Media platforms like Facebook. It is vital because it reflects both the quality of the advertising content (ie. the imagery and copy used) AND the relevance of the targeting (ie. your keyword quality).


If by the second month of your SEM campaign you are struggling around the 1% mark, its time to raise the red flag! Especially if you are a SME business and have limited resources to throw around.



Strategic Direction?


The Problem



You love your business, you feel committed to it, immersed in it and this can be your worst enemy. Take a step back. Look at the big picture, hang out with some strangers, ply them with merriment and ask them about the way they look at subjects that affect your business. So, if you are in the fitness industry, you can ask them what they think of getting fat, and getting fit. Mixing with those who bear the illusive trait of normality and exist outside of your regular circle of friends is a good way to see things from a different perspective.



So if your SEM campaign is flagging, take a step to the side, look at your business from a new angle, the problem can usually found in 2 areas, your targeting (eg. keywords, placements, audiences) and your advertising copy, so start by really asking yourself if the copy on your ads actually INCITE emotion. For example, a well written Adwords Ad should be the perfect mix of facts/numbers, some ASCII characters and a call to action with a great offer attached. Think about what would compel someone to click on your business, especially if they have not heard about it before, incorporate the cost of making this offer into your marketing budget! If your strategy is to raise awareness, focus less on targeting people who have already heard of your business, your first step should be to install Google Analytics on your website, so you can monitor statistics on your website traffic. Our next blog post will cover Analytics in more detail!