[ad_1] As a marketer, you probably already know that Facebook advertising has taken storm in the online world. And unless you jump on board you give your competition a huge leg up. So in order for you to really conquer Facebook advertising, you need to...

[ad_1] In 2013, Icelandic pop star Bjork launched a Kickstarter. The idea: an app that would teach children about music and science. The goal: about $600,000.Unlike most people with projects on Kickstarter, Bjork had name recognition, Twitter followers, and a huge fan base. Surely anyone...

[ad_1] When Code Academy first came out in 2011, aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere couldn’t sign up quickly enough. “Learn to code interactively, for free” is the latest slogan on the homepage, and it couldn’t be more apt. I’m happy to be one of the 24 million+...

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